You might be thinking to start your on line business and getting prepared to launch your well crafted Website having a very preferred Domain Name. You are also thinking to launch the Website at your home PC and you want to make your PC a web hosting server. But have you ever thought whether it is a pragmatic option to make the Domestic PC a server for a Web Hosting?
There are many reasons why choosing a domestic PC for the purpose of server is not practical approach. The reason being the web hosting business is not only about servers but also provide various other features which are not only costly but also very complicated for both operation wise as well as from maintenance point of view. Let us have a look what a web hosting business really consists of.
The Server costs very high because it is not an ordinary PC. It is a robust, very powerful PC capable of handling huge data simultaneously and also operates very fast. Moreover the servers have to be maintained for uninterrupted operation for 24 hours in a day and for throughout the year. Moreover you may need to customize your server as per the need of your Website launching plan for which it may be difficult do it by yourself.
Data Centres:
The huge, powerful and costly Servers need to be suitably placed safely in a building. The building need to be air conditioned for which suitable air conditioning system need to be installed. Also a dust free atmosphere inside the building needs to be maintained. All these are very costly affair and needs a separate dedicated team to look after.
The operating system and software normally available open source. However depending on the type of server you choose for your business and the type of business you are launching, proprietary software need to be purchased and installed which are very costly. Also the installation and trouble shooting for this software need specialized knowledge which is a web hosting provider can only afford. For example if you feel that you will be needing a Windows hosting only for running your Website, then you have to purchase the same and it may become a costly affair for you.
Internet connection and Bandwidth:
The normal connections which are used at your home have got serious limitations. The Internet service providers have given you this connection based on the understanding that you will be using to operate your PC for domestic and work purposes only. Very high speed internet connections which are provided to the best web hosting company will be something you may not be able to afford.
Also the bandwidth which will be depending on the amount of transactions that will be made in your Website may not be available at your home. If your Website is having a lot of transactions or a lot of traffic in it, the operation of the Website in unit time will be very high for which you may need to get a special sanction which can be much better handled by a specialized business of web hosting.
Also the storage for the huge files you will be having and its security will be needed to take care. Again handling these jobs is a full time activity and it is very difficult for you to focus on these aspects individually.
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