When you purchase a web hosting reseller plan, you come across two options – Plesk Panel reseller hosting and cPanel reseller hosting. cPanel is an older web hosting option whereas, Plesk is rather new.

How to choose between the two plans while you buy a plan? Of course, the price is a factor to check before buying any hosting service. Apart from the plan cost, here we have all the differences between Plesk and cPanel to help you decide.
Plesk Panel vs cPanel
To choose the best web hosting reseller package, you need to understand the differences in panels. This makes your decision easier.
1. Difference in User Interface:
- The graphical user interface or GUI of Plesk is believed to cleaner than cPanel.
- Plesk offers a user-friendly interface
- Plesk panel offers a well-organized and more streamlined operational interface than cPanel
- cPanel doesn’t have any option of interface customization
- Both cPanel and Plesk Panel have CLI access
2. Performance Comparison:
- cPanel is faster loading than Plesk
- cPanel helps with performance optimization
- The load time for cPanel is faster than Plesk
3. Different Tools and Features:
- cPanel and Plesk, both come with strong account and server management tools.
- Both the panels help in DNS configuration, e-mail management, database management, and FTP running
- You can add more apps to Plesk for operational support
- Git and docker operates in a simple fashion with cPanel, but the process gets complicated with Plesk
4. Security Difference:
- Both cPanel and Plesk panel focus highly on the security of your website
- There are numerous tools for security under both the panel options
- The security tools of cPanel include automatic installation of SSL certificate, password protection, IP address denials, etc.
- Plesk Panel security tools include Prevention of intrusion with fail2ban, antispam support for both outbound and inbound e-mails, and strong integration of the directory.
5. Distros Difference:
- Plesk Panel is available for both Linux and Windows servers.
- cPanel is specially created for Linux Operating System only.
- Plesk Panel can be used on 14 different Linux distributions.
- You can use cPanel only on CloudLinux, RedHat Enterprise, and CentOS.
Clearly, the main difference between the two panels lies in their distribution forum. To choose between the two, you first need to consider your operating system. See what OS you have, and which panel comes cheaper or suits your requirement. If you are still confused, you can always purchase the trial packages and compare both the panel hosting options.