A Domain Name is the name of the URL of your Website. A Domain Name is unique for a Website and there cannot be two Websites with the same Domain name having the same TLD extension. It is possible that you may get a free Domain Name as well as free domain name Registration from the hosting company you choose. However, you may not get this facility from all the hosting service.
The procedures involved for Domain Registration:
Customers who are willing to get the Domain Registration should approach a certified domain registration company. A customer will be needed to furnish the domain name to the Registrar who will further check the availability of such name. It is very important that you should know about the length and also the format for the domain before seeking a Domain Name. Once you have fed your choice of the name, the results will be available which will show whether the name is available or not. If you don’t get the domain name of your choice, you may try to get the same Domain Name for Domain Registration with a different TLD. However, if there is already an established brand with the desired Domain Name of yours, getting a Domain Registration with the same Domain Name but different TLD may not help you to establish your brand.
How Important To Know About Domain Name Selection And Domain Registration:
A Domain Name should be such that it is easy to recall. It should be very simple to type and should not belong. If it is a too long name, there will be every chance of making a typing mistake and in that case, the visitors may land up on a different site. This will definitely not be a welcome proposition for you as you may lose valuable potential customers. In case you have decided to launch a new Website, you should understand the details of Domain Name for better selection. Also, if you are planning to offer domain name registration services or hosting service to the customers, it is required that you should build a good understanding of the Domain Registration as well as the renewal process of the Domain Registration. Once you complete the Domain Registration, the Domain Name is included in the records of the Registry which contains other Domain Names also. The whole database is maintained by ICANN. Not only the Domain Name, the information for the IP address is also stored in the Domain Name System server. This enables transmission of the data for the Domain Name or the IP address to all the computers connected to the Internet so as to make any computer access the Domain Name with a particular IP address.
The importance of choosing a good Domain extension:
Therefore, the best option would be to go with standard TLD for your domain registration India with a particular Domain Name. In case you do not get the same name with the standard Domain extension, you should opt for a different name. The Domain extension will play a very critical role in the success of your Website and therefore, you should not take the Domain extension lightly.
The Domain Name and the Domain extension will be the key to the success of your Website and therefore, you should try to complete your domain registration with a good Domain Name and Domain extension and put sufficient time in selecting these.
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