Domain Name can be described in a simple word as URL of a Website. Every Website has got a unique URL and there can be no two same Websites with the same Domain Name as well as same Domain extensions. You may be offered top domain registration company by few hosting firms when you approach such firms for Website Hosting. The free Domain Registration is offered by such firms as a deal for getting the hosting contract with such firms. However, it may not be the case with all Web Hosting firms. It is important to have a thorough understanding of the Domain Name before deciding a Registrar for Domain name Registration.
On the other hand, if you are in the Business of Domain Registration or Web Hosting services, you will require having a very good insight of domain name registration company as well as the renewal process. When a Domain Registration is completed with a Domain Name, the same is put in the records of a Registry. All of these records are maintained by the ICANN in its database. The other information like the IP address, etc is also fed to the DNS or the Domain Name System server. This is the system which tells the computers which are linked to the internet, about the ID address or the Domain Name and where this is located.
How a Domain Name is Registered:
Any customer can visit an online Website for a Registrar or can visit offline with a Domain Registrar for making the domain name registration. Whether a Domain Name is available or not may be decided by checking in the search option available with the Domain Registrars. However, it is very important that the length and format ground rules for the Domain Name are understood by the user seeking to register a Domain.
If you find the desired Domain Name is not available after putting the search option for the Domain Name, you may try to get a similar type of Domain Name by changing the TLD extension. However, in case you want to develop a genuine identity for your brand, this idea may not be very good one. It is always very good to have a very established TLD extension for your Domain like .com. It is suggested to ignore a particular Domain Name in favour of TLD if the Domain Name is not available. In case you get the Domain Name with a .com extension but find that the Domain Registration with the same Domain Name but with different TLD is made, you should go ahead with domain name registration services of the Domain Name with .com TLD.
Choose The Effective Domain Name:
It is suggested that you should choose a Domain Name very simple as well as very crisp which resembles the Business you are running for making a cheapest domain registration. All search options for finding a suitable Domain Name should be tried and finally, the few names which you find are relevant should be listed in order of preference. Once you have zeroed down your choice of Domain Names and focused on some selected Domain Names, you should approach a registered Domain Name Registrar for Domain Registration. The Domain Registrar should be an accredited Registrar of ICANN and should have full authority for Domain Registration.
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