When you have completed the vital step of selecting a good Domain Name, the next step which is most vital for you is Domain Registration. The Domain Registration with a best domain registration company will give you an identity in the online world and will also be able to protect your Domain and give it the necessary security. However, Domain Registration should be done with a good Registrar only and to know which Registrar will be good for your Domain Registration, you should consider a few ideas which are discussed here in this article.
The Registrar should be accredited by ICANN:
ICANN is the governing body for the Domains and it oversees the Domain Registration systems and procedures. ICANN has also framed rules and regulations related to the Domain Registration and the Resellers to follow. The guidelines provide by ICANN has made the Domain Registration secure and easier for the top domain registration company .
The duration or the contract of Domain:
You should know what type of contract document you are signing at the place of the Domain Registrar during Domain Registration. You can have a wide variety of multi-year package for Registration of your Domain. The Registration tenure may vary from one year or three years or five years or even ten years. However, in most of the Registration documents, there is always a fine print which is not very visible to the customers. You need to see and check what is written in the fine print before making any payment for Domain Registration to the domain booking company. You also need to check the restrictions as well as the fees that are associated with the transfer of the Domain Registration to another Registrar. The Domain Registration renewal fees vary from Registrar to Registrar and also there is certain grace period given by some Domain Registrars for Domain Registration Renewal. You need to have a critical look at this aspect also.
What type of customer support will you be getting?
The customer support that a Domain Registrar provides can make a significant choice of Registrar for domain name registration services. You should try to locate one Domain Registrar who has an excellent track record for providing good service. It is wanted that a Registrar should be able to act quickly to sort out any problem related to a Domain name or a site and can make a very fast resolution whenever there is an issue. You should also want to have information about the policies as well as the practices that the Registrar follows for compliance issues. Whether you are able to contact their compliance department should also be checked by you.
Check the cost of registration and other costs also:
Whenever you want to select a Domain Registrar for the purpose of making cheapest domain registration, you should check the cost factor. The Registration for a single Domain Name does not cost very high. However, there are additional costs involved to avail additional services which you may want. Also when you decide to purchase additional Domains, you should be able to get a good discount from your Domain Registrar. You need to have a survey for all these issues to choose a Registrar.
What additional services you should look for:
You will find top ten domain registration company who can offer a lot of service to you. These additional services may include building a Website as well as hosting a Website, offering email services, provision of SSL certifications as well as SEO tools. Many of these services may be useful to you for your Website functioning.
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