The increasing popularity of a Web Hosting Reseller business has made many Web Hosting Companies offer this program. The Web hosting companies have been trying to attract people to take up the Reseller business. The wonderful opportunity a Reseller program brings is attracting many small business houses also take up this program. Moreover, this program has been able to generate assured revenue with a minimum of risk involved in it. Different web hosting have been offering this Web Hosting Reseller program with different features. It is not that all the features are very good and should be the only reason for selection. There are reseller web hosting features also. Therefore, it is important to know what features you should look for when you are deciding to start this business of Web Hosting Reseller program.
The unique features of a Reseller plan:
The reseller web hosting plan comes with some features and the most important of these features which you should look for is listed for your consideration:
1. The concept of WHM or Web Host Manager and the access to split packages by the WHM. The WHM is a very powerful program and it allows having administrative access to the control panel. Normally the reseller account is provided with the basic WHM facility. You need to spell out your hosting parameters and the WHM will work out the implementation of the same.
2. Web hosting reseller company should have a number of control panel accounts to manage the reseller business.
3. The Reseller account also host number of E-mail accounts, unlimited Domains, MySQL Database and many more facilities.
4. The very important feature of a Web Hosting Reseller account is the ability to promote its own brand. The Reseller should be able to project his business as the original Web Hosting Company keeping the mother web hosting company in the background and making the provider invisible to the customers. Customers, many times fail to differentiate between an original hosting company and a reselling company.
5. The Reseller account should have the facility of auto installation and this type of software should be available to him to facilitate installation of software at ease.
6. Also, it should have the mail servers with POP, IMAP, and SMTP Email facility.
7. The web hosting company will have the DNS server with a facility of managing full zone.
What advantages you can expect from a Web Hosting Reseller business:
Out of several advantages of a reselling business, a few advantages are worth mentioning:
1. There will more freedom and flexibility in a Reseller plan
2. The cost of setting up and the cost of operation of a Web Hosting Reseller business is significantly low.
3. The chances of a generation of revenue and making a reasonable profit are very high in the Reseller business.
4. The cost of maintenance of server and also other technical aspects is nil in a web hosting business.
5. The Reseller will have the freedom to customise the control panel as per his requirement. He will be at liberty to change the themes and also can make changes in the user-interface at will.
6. The Web Host of a reseller account normally takes care of several technical aspects and the Web Hosting Reseller is not charged for this activities. There should not be any hidden cost involved in these services.
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