When you are having an online business, the website is a must tool for marketing. But, having a website designed is not everything you need. To make the website visible all over the World Wide Web, it is essential to host the websites. This is termed web hosting.
The hosting of the website or rather the group of web pages is being done by the authorized service provider, who is known as the web hosting or a web host. Their main task is to provide the technological infrastructure for the services required for website hosting.
Hosting websites is basically storing all the data in a computer which are called servers. When any user wants to fetch any data from the website, they request the data from the server, and then it will be delivered to them through the browser. The domain of the hosting is being fetched which is being given by the hosting company.
Infosky Solutions, a leading web hosting company in Pune provides you the hosting service at a very affordable cost. You can get the hosting plans at different prices and packages that are required by your website. You can visit our website to know more about the web hosting plans and packages.
Features Provided By The Server Hosting
Check out these features which are often included in the packages of the web hosting:
- FTP Access
File transfer protocol is being accessed for uploading of files into the website from the local computer. This is important as without it you will not be able to take up any documents to your web server.
- Email Account
Hosting service providers get you’re a domain in which you get your website. Along with this, you get the email accounts related to the domain name. Thus, it makes you email looks more professional and used for company’s purpose only.
- Website content management system
Mainly WordPress support is given for the content management system which is a great way of managing the content of your website- quickly and conveniently. To get this provision you just need the PHP version 7. My SQL version 5.6 or more than that.
Coming to the conclusion, growing business online is a promising factor. So, you need to have the website and the hosting server too. Consult with the leading hosting company to get the server which can upgrade your customer experience and bring in more leads too.