The presence in the Web can be clearly defined by a Domain Name. It indicates the address on the Internet and leads to your company Website. Though a Domain Name system is not very complex, however, it is also not very easy to understand particularly for a beginner. Many organisations have engaged professional agencies to manage their Domain Name System. It is very important particularly for a beginner to understand the basics of a Domain Name before engaging in the process of Domain Registration. We will start the discussion by explaining the terms connected with a Domain Registration.
Meaning of Domain Name should be made clear: The Domain Name can be thought as the physical address in an internet for your office. This is the place which points to where you receive the mail and where people reach their ultimate destination when they want to reach your office. The Domain Name connects the common man to your Website accurately. Therefore when you make a domain name registration use of a suitable Domain Name will be very useful to guide the users accurately to your Website.
The DNS glossary basic:
The DNS: A Domain Name System or Domain Name server is a server which will translate a Web address to one or a few IP addresses.
A Registrar explained:
If you want your Domain Name to ultimately lead to a Website, then this Domain Name needs to be registered with somebody who is called a Registrar. Therefore, a Registrar can be defined as an authority or organisation or Company that can manage and issue a Domain Name. The best domain registration company is responsible to make a Domain Registration and make the Domain live.
The Domain Name can be searched in various ways for selection. There is Lean Domain Search option which can be used in a very simple way by entering the word for the Domain Name which you want to have. The Lean Domain search will come up with a list of Domain Names which are available with that word and have different variations of that word. There is another tool called Domain and this handy tool will give you a snapshot of what you can expect in your Domain and also find suitable alternatives. You can further make a search in and can find out who owns the name and when the Domain is going to expire, etc. The Domain Registration India will be much easier and much scientific with such tools.
IP address made clear:
The Web server which is hosting your Website will also have a specific address assigned to the server. This address is known as the IP address or Internet Protocol address. The IP address has four segments in it and these segments are separated by a period. Each segment is consisting of three digits and therefore there are total 12 digits. The IP address will point to the Website accurately. The Domain Registration when made by a Domain Registrar the Domain need to be hosted on a server when you will get the IP address.
What is a Name server?
The Name Servers are basically machines which when set up do the function of routing the Domain Names to the proper Internet Protocol address. When a Domain Name after domain name registration services are delegated to the particular name server, it gives authority to that Name server to further point that Domain Name anywhere.
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