People including newcomers after registering their domain names successfully get convinced for signing up for a web hosting services account with that specific company that registered their domain names. It may be any of the domain name registering companies! To be honest, it is really unfortunate as the hosting services fetched hardly meet the requirements of an online entrepreneur.
As pr experts, those web hosting accounts are devoid of functionality that is required for promoting the business. Companies dealing with the task of domain registration will generally offer you a low level hosting plan. Since customers registering domain names are usually beginners, they are hardly aware of hosting choices that are readily available.
People Getting Disheartened
They presume that as the web hosting company with which they are dealing are responsible for registering domain names, they are supposed to have the best web hosting as well. People generally get disheartened once they give a kick start to their new online business. Though they got everything against a low price, but later conclude that the deal is hardly a favorable one.
As they get more and more involved in running their new online business, they become successful in discovering that there may be some special software available into the market. It is assumed to be either a content management system or a shopping cart. After in depth comparison of the same with the requirement to their web hosting account, they find that the new software is hardly supported.
No Wasting Of Time In Bargaining
Most of the marketing related software takes into usage PHP or MySQL databases. In case, your account does not support them, then you may be simply out of luck. But you may approach to your respective web hosting providers who will explain you the features required for supporting the new software.
All you need is to upgrade your web hosting account which is not free of cost. All of a sudden such a great dealing does not seem to be great anymore. It is better not to waste time and money with bargain web hosting that will not serve the desired purpose. Another mistake that is generally committed is to try to run business with free hosting.
Say Goodbye To Free Hosting
Firstly, in case you are looking for free web hosting as you are not willing to spend a small amount of money for own web hosting India account, better to give up right now. People who are looking ahead to get everything free of cost they are looking for a hobby rather than a business. People trying to run a business seriously must stay away from free hosting as it may handicap their business. Also, the business URL so formed free of cost will not hold a professional look.
Exerts prefer Linux/Unix based web hosting rather than Microsoft Windows based as the hosting software is not at all compatible with Windows server. Most of the web base software used for marketing purposes is designed to run on Linux servers.
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