The web hosting reseller acts as a middleman between the original Web Hosting Company and the third party customer. The web hosting India reseller business can be started by any individual or Web designers or any other business enterprise. The Reseller business of a web hosting means purchasing services from a Web Hosting Company and selling the service to the customers. Several Web Hosting products which can be resold include dedicated servers, virtual servers, and drive space which is purchased by the web hosting reseller. The Reseller after purchasing the services from the web hosting company normally splits the bandwidth and the disk space to third party individuals or other business entrepreneurs. The several features which offered to a reseller make this business very attractive and some of the features are discussed here in the following paragraphs.
Provision of more features than a basic plan: Web Hosting companies provides the web hosting reseller lot of features to ensure that the Reseller is having full control over the accounts of their customers and also control over the offerings of the services they are making. The control over the offering of the services enables the Reseller to create a store of their own which displays the Web Hosting products which they are offering. Also, the web hosting reseller ensures that they have full access to the detail information of their customers including their contact details, the status of their accounts and the billing method.
The Very Low Cost And Low Operating Expenses:
The attraction of the web hosting business is that the business can be started at a very low cost. The individuals seeking to start a lucrative online business start registering with a Web Hosting Company and this indirectly increases the customer base of the parent Web Hosting Company also. The web hosting reseller markets their services independently while the Host companies can link the services to a different page that takes it to the originating company, thus mutually benefiting both the reseller and the parent company. The windows web hosting company designs the web hosting reseller model in a very simple way and also provide the necessary tools to run their business very easily.
The Unique Opportunity To Generate Good Revenue:
The reseller of a web hosting services earns revenue from managing servers and data of business enterprises, which the business houses may not be able to manage on their own. Also as and when the web hosting reseller gets a new customer to purchase the services offered, they get a good commission from the parent web hosting company. The service provided by a web hosting reseller is so good, most people fail to identify whether this services provided by the original host company or the reselling company. The reselling company engages their own staff for providing the services on behalf of the company and this makes them look as the parent company. Though the services provided by the web hosting providers is priced higher than the parent company, the response to the customers’ problems is faster than the parent company as the number of customers of a web hosting reseller account is less than the parent company. Upgrading a Reseller account is quite easy and this enables a web hosting reseller to accommodate more and more customers which also increase the revenue generation opportunity.
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