Whenever you plan to take your business online, the primary thing you need along with your website is a registered domain. Without a proper domain and web hosting service, you are not likely to enjoy high website traffic.
The domains that sell highly are the .com or.in domains. They are always in demand and are difficult to obtain. In fact, they are pretty expensive as compared to other options.
The best way to get a .com domain is to hire services of domain registration company. They make the registration process easier.
3-step process of becoming a domain registrar
Domain registration India requires you to follow these 3 steps and become established as a reliable domain registrar in the country.
1. Accreditation from ICANN:
If you want to register the in-demand or valuable domains like .com, you need to first get a business accreditation from ICANN or Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. Having the certificate from ICANN, allows you to get register TLDs domains.
After you get the accreditation, you become eligible to open a domain selling account. Having this account makes the rest of the process easier for you.
2. Authentication:
Once you are certified by ICANN, they notify the concerned registration operators like Verisign to authenticate your business. You will not be eligible to establish your registrar account without authentication.
To get this documentation done smoothly, you need to provide the registry operators with all your business documents. The authorities study your documents and prepare their reports accordingly to authenticate your business.
3. Certification from Verisign:
If you have received the authentication, you are free to establish your registrar account. The establishment of your registrar account leads you to the next step, i.e. the step of obtaining a certificate from Verisign. They work simultaneously with the authentication authorities. They check your account to understand the readiness of the account and guide you on financial data.
The Verisign certification operates in 4 steps-
- Establishing a relationship with the registry through the contract
- Advice on financial information
- Technical support
- Add different services above the account
All your data are handled by the registry board before you are authorized as a domain registrar. People who seek domain service need to check for this ICANN certificate to confirm their contract with a domain registrar in India. ICANN certificate is a sign of reliability and authenticity.